How To Turn On Samsung Smart Tv Without Remote
the power button on your Samsung TV. Look on the back of the TV near
the sides, top and bottom. If you don't see a button with the
international power symbol, your TV might have a touch-sensitive sensor
built into the frame. On my 2010 Samsung, the power symbol is located on
the bottom front side of the frame, in the center, just below the
second “S” in the name SAMSUNG.
Source, Menu, Volume, and Channel selector sensors are located on the
front, bottom, right side of the frame. I honestly need a flashlight to
illuminate the symbols and writing, because they are small, faint, and
have a black background. On newer Samsung TVs, these symbols will often
illuminate for a few seconds after you run your finger across the front
bottom right side of the frame. (Think: Swiping Right) It looks cool,
but honestly, I’d rather use the remote!
1 - If you have a really new Ultra HD 4K TV, there is probably a TV
Control button on the bottom edge of the TV below the Samsung logo.
Press that and you will see a small menu appear on the screen. You
should be able to navigate from there.
2 - I have also seen some TV’s that have a small red circle in the
bottom right hand corner of the screen when plugged in. Press that
circle once until it turns blue and the TV will come on.
3 - Find out the model number of your TV and buy a universal remote.
Most universal remotes support literally hundreds of products and your
even if your TV model number is not listed, the next closest model
number may still use the same control codes as yours